Patient Handouts

  • What is a ureteric stent?
    · A soft, hollow tube inserted in the ureter to help urine drain from the kidney to the bladder
    · Stents are used after procedures like kidney stone removal to help healing

    Common Side Effects:
    · Urinary frequency and urgency
    · Burning sensation or discomfort when urinating
    · Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
    · Low back pain or stomach pain
    · Blood in the urine initially

    Managing Discomfort:
    · Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to flush your system
    · Urinate when you feel the urge to avoid straining the bladder
    · Take the medications that Dr. Garbens prescribed for you.
    · Try warm baths, heating pads, or relaxation techniques for pain
    · Modify physical activity to avoid jarring movements

    Preventing Infection:
    · Drink 8-10 glasses of fluid daily
    · Avoid holding your urine for long periods
    · Finish any prescribed antibiotics, even if feeling better
    · Monitor for fever, increased pain, foul-smelling urine

    Stent Removal:
    · Your doctor will remove the stent in the office either by pulling on the blue threads visible or through a scope in a short procedure
    · This may cause mild discomfort - taking pain medication prior can help
    · Temporary inserting a new stent reduces risk of stone fragments moving down

    Call your doctor if you have:
    · Fever or chills
    · Difficulty passing urine or uncontrolled leakage
    · Heavy or prolonged bleeding
    · Uncontrolled pain

  • What to Expect:
    · You may experience mild discomfort, urgency to urinate, and frequent urination as the treated prostate tissue sloughs off over the next 3-4 weeks. These are normal.
    · You may see small flecks of material in your urine as the treated tissue passes. This is normal.
    · It usually takes about 4 weeks to experience symptom relief. However, some men will have persistent symptoms for up to 3 months.
    · Avoid any strenuous activity for 1-2 days. You may resume normal activities as tolerated after that.

    · Continue taking any medications prescribed by your doctor.
    · Take over-the-counter pain relievers as needed for discomfort.
    · Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

    Follow-up Care:
    · Dr. Garbens will schedule a follow-up appointment with you usually 6-8 weeks after the surgery.
    · Call your doctor if you experience:
    · Fever over 101°F
    · Inability to urinate
    · Heavy bleeding or blood clots
    · Severe pain or burning with urination

    Lifestyle Changes:
    · Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid daily to flush your system.
    · Avoid alcohol and spicy foods which can irritate the bladder.
    · Practice pelvic floor exercises to help control urgency and leakage.

    Please contact the office with any questions or concerns. Seek medical attention if you experience any severe symptoms.

  • What is a Foley catheter?
    · A thin, flexible tube inserted into the bladder to drain urine
    · It has a balloon at the end that is filled with water to hold it in place
    · Connects to a drainage bag to collect urine

    Care and Maintenance
    · Secure the catheter tubing to prevent pulling or tugging
    · Keep the drainage bag below level of bladder for gravity drainage
    · Empty drainage bag regularly before it gets full
    · Keep catheter and drainage bag clean to prevent infection
    · Wash hands before and after handling catheter and drainage bag

    Preventing Infection
    · Drink 6-8 glasses of fluid daily
    · Keep drainage bag off the floor
    · Routinely clean area around catheter insertion with soap and water
    · Take showers instead of baths while catheter is in place

    When to Call the Doctor:
    · If catheter falls out or drainage bag detaches
    · If unable to urinate after catheter removal
    · If urine looks bloody
    · Signs of infection like fever, chills, or burning with urination

    Catheter Removal
    · Your nurse or doctor will remove catheter when appropriate
    · Procedure involves deflating balloon and gently pulling tube out
    · This may be uncomfortable but typically not very painful

    Let your healthcare provider know if you have any issues with your catheter like discomfort, leakage, or blockage. Monitor for signs of infection and contact your doctor if you have concerns.